Motorcycle Safety Tips for the Summer Season



There’s no better feeling than getting out onto the open road. Every time you take your motorcycle out, however, there’s a risk for an accident or injury. The National Highly Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) puts the risk into perspective: While motorcycles make up only 3 percent of the traffic on the road, you’re 30 times more likely than people in other vehicles to have an accident that leads to death and five times more likely to get injured.

motorcycle safety


While these statistics shouldn’t cause you to create a Craig’s List account and sell your bike, you should take the risk seriously. Here are some motorcycle safety tips that will help you avoid injuries and accidents:

  • Always wear your helmet—even though Ohio law doesn’t require it.
  • Don reflective clothing so it’s easy for other drivers to see you.
  • Never get on your motorcycle if you’ve been drinking alcohol.
  • Never text or talk on your cell phone while driving.
  • If it starts to rain or winds pick up, pull off the road. Or better yet, don’t get on the road if inclement weather is in the forecast.
  • Drive safely by maintaining the proper distance between you and other vehicles, and staying in your lane.
  • Use turn signals.
  • Educate fellow drivers about safe driving practices when sharing the road with motorcycles.

When the sun’s shining and the forecast calls for good weather, don’t hesitate to get on the road, but be sure to follow motorcycle safety tips at all times. For more information about motorcycle safety or insuring your bike, contact the reputable agents at Spreng-Smith Agency. We are happy to help our North Central Ohio neighbors with fire and flood, home and auto, and health insurance.

Tell us: What’s the one safe driving tip you never fail to follow?

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