Spreng-Smith Agency
Since 1950 the staff at the Spreng-Smith Agency has strived to provide excellent customer service with coverage that fits your specific needs. Our agency is locally owned and staffed with community minded individuals. Please feel free to contact any of our staff to assist you with your insurance portfolio or request a quote to find out how affordable our rates can be.
Personal Lines (A-C)
Luke services customers with the last names starting with letters A to C. If you would like to request a change on your home or auto, please email Luke.
Email Luke
Personal Lines (D-G)
Jerri services customers with the last names starting with letters A thru G. If you would like to request a change on your home or auto, please email Jerri.
Email Jerri
Personal Lines (H-Pa)
Carissa services customers with the last names starting with letters H thru Pa. If you would like to request a change on your home or auto, please email Carissa.
Email Carissa
Hannah Breed
Personal Lines (Pb-Z)
Hannah services customers with the last names starting with letters Pb thru Z. If you would like to request a change on your home or auto, please email Hannah.
Commercial Lines (A-J)
Will handles renewals and changes for Commercial Lines. If you need to make a change on your business policy please email Will.
Email Will
Commercial Lines (K-Z)
Vicki handles renewals and changes for Commercial Lines. If you need to make a change on your business policy please email Vicki.
Email Vicki
Commercial Lines
Tammy handles renewals and changes for Commercial Lines. If you need to make a change on your business policy please email Tammy.
Email Tammy
Spreng-Smith Insurance Agency
320 College Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Phone: 419-289-3310
Fax: 419-281-1687