As a Trusted Choice Agency, we promise to...
Because of our personal connection to you and your needs, we are proactive about your rates, your renewals, and your insurance options.
Since we are connected to a nationwide network of providers, we'll find you the best coverage at the right price.
We'll explain your options, customize your coverage plans, guide you through the claims process, and keep you informed of changes in insurance laws and requirements.
When you are in crisis, we are just a call, text, or email away. We offer 24/7 emergency service and cell phone access to your individual agent.
Get in touch with an agent at Spreng-Smith today - we’ll provide you with a thorough insurance assessment to ensure that everything you prize about your home, auto, business, life, and health is covered.
Just a Few of Our Carriers
Spreng-Smith Insurance Agency
320 College Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Phone: 419-289-3310
Fax: 419-281-1687